Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Digipaint commission for JimComp
Whoa... things have been pretty hectic recently and I haven't had the time to update my blog. Actually, I should be working right now so here's a quick round-up of what's been happening:

1. A lot of the stuff that I've worked on last week cannot be posted yet hehe... Hence the lack of updates to my portfolio. I try to find as much long term freelance projects to finance this journey to Marveldom. Let's cross our fingers and hope that what I'm working on right now will turn-out fruitful.

2. Wrapped up some short projects, this illustration here being one of them. I've been thinking too... it seems like I've been getting more projects doing digital paintings instead of comic book art and I guess that's due to the utter lack of sequentials on my folio. That needs to get fixed.

3. Late nights galore! I'm up till 3:30 AM almost everyday drawing and exchanging emails with clients. It's not that bad... in fact its better than when I was working. I stay up late and wake-up late so I still get 8 hours of sleep.

4. I was burned out last weekend and I just couldn't work so inspite of being wasted I decided to head on to Divisoria and scourge the old places that I used to go to when I was in college and search for KO Beast Wars toys. Unfortunately I couldn't find any and what I got instead was 2 crappy TF's that I plan to use on a kitbash project and 2 of these:

Pseudo-Legos: cheap and awesome!

I don't know why but the toys area of Divi has a way of relaxing me and making my mind work again... nevermind the snatchers, I've been going there long enough to know how to take care of myself.

5. And it's back to samples again. I've been messing around with my papers and pencils and hopefully wrap up another batch of samples for Marvel before this month ends. Hopefully I don't get that busy.

Me Grimlock say you baaaaaad!

My baby... my most expensive TF purchase to date (yes, I am cheap)

Here's Grimlock by the way... he's been dusted and is now back on the shelf.

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