Sunday, December 31, 2017

Inktober 11 to 30 - Yeah, I've gone really really late with posting this :)

Day 11: Terrorsaur

Day 12: Megatron

Day 13: Dinobot

Day 14: Nightscream

Day 15: Airazor

Day 16: Rattrap

Day 17: Black Arachnia

Day 18: Torca

Day 19: Depth Charge

Day 20: Optimus Minor

21: Ramulus

22: Terragator

23: Inferno

24: Silverbolt

25: Cohrada

26: Noctorro

27: Tigertron

28: Waspinator

29: Snapper

30: Scarem

31: Optimus Primal

I know... its really really late hehe and I have no excuses, other than the usual, which is work, which is also a good thing hehe.

Anyway, I would like to thank the Lord for the year that was and for all the opportunities He has allowed us to have. It was truly a good year and I am hoping for bigger and better things this 2018.

To God be the glory!

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