Sunday, September 2, 2012

Seeing Again

This morning, after long months of struggling with my sleep habits, I was able to wake up at 5 AM.

Wow... that is like, a career milestone for me. The couple of weeks leading to this morning was me sleeping at around 6 AM and now, as I am typing this at 12:45 AM, I am already beginning to feel sleepy. What got me up? A critique that I got.

WW2 Wolverine WIP

After Habagat I barely had time to work on my own stuff as I was rushing to finish off projects that got delayed. During this time frame too I was in a semi-regular correspondence with an agent who was willing to critique my work and gave me pointers on how to break into the business. Along with some very nice samples from his talents and some really neat pointers on where I should focus my art more he gave me a piece of advice that I am really really digging right now:

"Style is a collection of all things that an artist does wrong, because if everything was done right they'd all look like pictures."

Hwow... that was an eye opener for me. I've always thought of style as a collection of influences but when he explained to me that the most important thing to do is to develop an eye for seeing things and interpreting them. That is the key to developing style and that my problem was that I spent too much time looking at other people's work and studying them instead of spending my time studying real people and real objects.

What I was seeing was how other artists see their world. I should learn how to see mine and with those mistakes in the way I see things I will develop my own style which would help me survive the competition in the business.

That idea got me revved up again. The fact that I was seeing things through other people's eyes made me rethink of my way of studying and that in turn made me more interested in spending more time doing more personal art to develop my eyes.

And suddenly I wasn't pressured to conform to what I think my drawings should look like. I'm not yet there but I am enjoying the process of undoing the wrong stuff that I learned and I'm hoping and believing that the next few mornings would be fun :)


  1. "Style is a collection of all things that an artist does wrong, because if everything was done right they'd all look like pictures." - WOW

    I can relate to this. When I was doing my first exhibit, I was lamenting how I accidentally tore off paint and paper from my canvas and all my paintings looked ugly to me (I came from design, so my "art" was all about conformity to the "form follows function" credo). True enough, it was the traditional fine artists that appreciated the flaws and saw that as my style and they were all raving. It was the multimedia artists that saw the ugliness in my work (including my sister). My sister complained about the flaws, lol.

    Now I understand why.

    Your blog is so much fun to read. I'm learning a lot of things from your posts. :)

    1. Thanks for that:) This mode of thinking made me more confident in the way that I paint and in the way I draw my stories. The biggest contribution that the agent did to my journey as an artist was that he made me trust my eyes and made me stop comparing my drawigns AS I work on them, a nasty habit that made me doubt myself whenever I'm on an artistic low hehe.
