Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Work: Not today!!!

Tonight's inspiration
Things have been pretty hectic in our own respective studios for the past 3 or so months so Kris and I decided that we'd unwind today and just go out and do something that we swore we'd never do again after Habagat...

Hunt for Books.

And the book on the right, my dear friends, is what Kris got for me for our 2nd anniversary: Rough Justice: The DC Art of Alex Ross.

I initially thought that it would be a step-by-step showcase of how Ross creates his masterpieces. When we opened the book for inspection however, we both found out, to our pleasant surprise, that it was focused more on the thinking process behind the artwork of DC's Justice story. And the great part is that most of them are in glorious pencils, with comments, revisions and more.

When I got home I found out I've been sent an email I've been eager to get, and now that the situation has changed I don't think I'll be able to work for a couple of days on this guy (unless mood dictates that I work on him a bit):

Yup, I redid the colors hehe... still in the flats stage
So yeah, it was great that we took the day off. The next couple of days will be hectic fun haha!

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